
Self-Awareness Education

FLSE's Education Programs are led by a National Council on Family Relations Certified Family Life Educator. The goal of FLSE’s Self-Awareness Programs is to provide evidence-based, affordable, self-reflective educational services that assist clients with increasing their personal accountability and problem-solving capabilities.

Relationship Education

FLSE's Relationship Education Classes can help your family heal. FLSE conducts guided conversations, active-listening sessions, and topic-specific discussions to assist families in creating and accomplishing shared goals. 

EMotional Regulation Coaching

FLSE's Emotional Regulation Coaching Sessions can assist you in getting control over your intentional and unintentional anger. We can help you explore the connections between your trauma, triggers and reactions, and assist you in identifying how your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions, are fueling your behavior and influencing you to use your power to control others.